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With Pulse Master musicians can slow down music,so they can learn new songs and techniques. Independent control of music speed and pitch is made in real-time by playing it from a CD, MP3, WAV, WMA,Ogg Vorbis file.It is also used as flexible dictation machine,coreographers and dancers music speed adjusting tool, music teachers didactic mean,singers tool to change the music key to match their voice range or understand words in foreign languages.

(Player which independently controls audio pitch and speed)With Pulse Master musicians can slow down music, so they can learn new songs and techniques. Independent control of music speed and pitch is made in real-time by playing it from a CD, MP3 , WMA, AAC, M4A, MP4, FLAC, WAV , Ogg Vorbis and more.

Pulse Master is audio player-tool which supports most of the common audio formats and it is capable to :
- Speed up or slow down the music tempo without affecting the music key (pitch)
- Change the music key (pitch) without affecting the tempo
- Change the music "speed" as if vinyl records were played at higher or lower rates than intended
- Export modified audio to new file (6 audio formats supported)
Someone could ask about purpose of such audio modifications .Besides some purely fun implementations like :
- Morning coffee substitution with 30% faster song you found appropriate (opposite
,relaxing effect could be reached by slowing down music)
- Prank with your friend's favorite singer or group you don't like so much
- Letting your kids play with "chipmunk" and "bear" voices (they will adore it for sure if you find right song)
there is a variety of situations you can use Pulse Master as a serious ,professional tool : - musicians could slow down and repeat parts of music which are to fast to be recognized and transcribed correctly . As a result ,they could learn plenty of new playing techniques ,improve their playing skill ,enhance quality and exactness of music they are playing - music can be transposed in other key ,instead of retuning musical instrument - singers can change the music key to match their voice range ,or slow down music to understand words and pronunciation spoken in different foreign languages - music teachers can demonstrate to their students skills ,techniques of great musicians through slowing down their interpretations - choreographers and dancers could easily adjust music tempo according to their needs - software could be used as flexible dictation machine for all types of typing jobs
Software does all desired changes in real time without need to create or preprocess existing
audio files .Supports playing of audio CDs, MP3 , WMA, AAC, M4A, MP4, FLAC, WAV , Ogg Vorbis and more .
audio software, musicians software, tool software, slowdown software, pitch software, transpose software

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